Presence helps you transform experiences

Being present - inhabiting a moment with our full awareness - can transform any experience for us. 

Take for example the experience of drinking tea

You can just drink your tea, and perhaps drink your tea as you read something else or check your email.

When you practice presence, however, you can transform drinking your tea into an expansive sensory experience:

You can become present to the warmth of the cup on your hands, see the steam clouds gently curling up from your cup, feel your hands sliding the cup to your lips, feel the healing warmth of the tea as it cascades into your body, and feel your shoulders drop a little as you notice a sense of inner calmness. 

By practicing presence, we are opening ourselves to notice more, to feel more, to being more in our moment-to-moment experience. 

As we start this brand new year, this is my invitation for both of us:

Lets practice more presence so that we can transform more ordinary daily experiences into expansive sensory experiences, where we give into a sense of awe at the simple noticing of our breathing, at the noticing of tiny snowflakes slowly falling down, at the noticing of the soothing gentleness of a friend’s laughter. 

Let us practice presence to notice more, to savor more, to enjoy more. 

What simple daily task or experience can you transform today by practicing presence? 

Here’s to learning and growing together,


G. Michelle

Licensed Holistic Psychotherapist

Practicing presence can inform our mindful self-care