An invitation for taking good care
Here’s an invitation I’ve been reflecting on a lot lately - the invitation to bring a beginner’s mind to all the uncertainty around us right now.
What if we could move through the uncertainty as if for the first time, as a brand new student, learning a brand new subject. Practicing, making mistakes, and trying again. ⠀
What if we could move through the uncertainty with an open heart and mind, curious and ready to get to know the experience anew, everyday.
What if we could move through the uncertainty listening to our bodies’ needs on the daily, staying flexible to the ebbs and flows.
What if we could move through the uncertainty offering ourselves and others lots of compassion, remembering that as a collective we are moving through something new, learning as we go. What worked yesterday, might or might not work today. And, that’s okay.
What if we could move through the uncertainty offering space for EVERYONE to find their own way through, including ourselves.
In summary, here's an invitation for us for taking good care through uncertainty:
Remembering that as a collective
we are moving through something new,
learning as we go,
may we offer everyone, including ourselves,
space to find their own way through,
inviting a beginner’s mind and an open heart,
inviting curiosity, seeing the experience anew everyday,
inviting acceptance and flexibility to the ebbs and flows,
inviting deep listening to our bodies’ needs on the daily,
inviting compassion for our shifting capacity and needs,
inviting courage as we practice, make mistakes, and try again,
all as best as we can.
Now, take a moment for reflection: What would you add to this invitation? What are you needing to invite yourself into right now?
Here’s to learning and growing together!